What is Text Slang?

Text slang is a form of shorthand used in instant messaging and social media to save time and characters. It is a unique combination of symbols and abbreviations, each with its own specific meaning. There are different categories of text slang phrases and words, including actions & questions, business terms, emotions & feelings, popular culture references, replies & responses, and romance-related terms. Various specific lexicons of text slang have evolved - including slang terms specific to Twitter, or a very specific type of slang for sexting.

Text slang is not officially an English language dialect, but it has significantly changed how we use language in our everyday lexicon. Some examples of popular text slang include LOL (laugh out loud), YOLO (you only live once), and LOML (love of my life). Text slang can also be more complicated but also intuitive. Most people with kids can probably understand the vulgar but super long term: gyaitmfhrnbibya without having to look it up.

Why Does Text Slang Matter?

Text slang matters because it has become a language of its own, especially among younger generations. Keeping up-to-date on the latest slang can help you communicate better with your audience. When using text slang in mass texting or SMS marketing, it's important to keep things simple by using familiar slang and to stay professional by avoiding foul language. Overusing abbreviations should be avoided as it can make the message difficult to decipher. On the other hand, using text slang appropriately can give companies the opportunity to speak casually with customers while showing that they understand their language.

Popularity of Text Slang

Text abbreviations and acronyms have become a necessity for keeping messages concise and within the character limit, which is generally 160 characters per SMS and started out at 140 characters on Twitter. However, with advancements in technology, most smartphones can now send and receive messages containing up to 1600 characters, and Twitter and other social media apps have upped their limits. Despite this, it is still best practice to keep messages short. Using text slang in your messaging strategy can help create a friendly relationship with customers while also staying within the character limit. The type of text slang used will depend on the brand persona and audience. Brands that have a more casual voice can use slang such as “LOL” or “OMG” to establish a more friendly relationship with customers through text messages.


Acronyms are shortened versions of phrases that are represented by a series of letters, that can also be pronounced such as YOLO (you only live once.) These types of text slang are commonly used in text messages, instant messaging, and social media. Acronyms are a way to save time and characters, making it easier to communicate quickly and efficiently in digital communication. They are also a way of keeping up with the latest slang and establishing a more informal tone in digital communication, especially among younger generations.


Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases that are used in text messages and instant messaging. They are similar to acronyms, but instead of being represented by a series of letters, abbreviations are represented by a series of characters that are specific to each word or phrase. Some of the most commonly used abbreviations include BRB (be right back), BFF (best friends forever), and TMI (too much information). Abbreviations are an effective way to save time and characters, making it easier to communicate quickly and efficiently in digital communication. They also help to establish a more casual tone in digital communication, especially among younger generations.

Emojis and Emoticons

Emojis are pictorial representations of emotions, objects, and ideas that are used in digital communication. They have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way of setting the tone and mood for text messages and instant messaging. Emojis have evolved from simply meaning happy or sad and now have slang meanings that mean much more than you might think. For instance, the “ghost” emoji can mean being ignored by someone, the “clown” emoji can mean stupid or silly, the “popcorn” emoji can mean Netflix and chill, the “frog” emoji can mean ugly, and the “avocado” emoji can describe someone as basic. Emoticons, on the other hand, are symbols and characters that are used to represent emotions and facial expressions in digital communication. Emoticons are similar to emojis, but they are more limited in their range of emotions and expressions. They are also represented using only keyboard characters and often require tilting your head to the left, like this winky face: ;) or this crying face: :'( but can be way more advanced, like this Homer Simpson: (_8^()

Text Slang in Movies

Text slang has made its way into movies as a way to show the current and up-to-date use of technology. In movies, text slang can be used to show the relationship between characters, creating a more relatable and humorous tone. In the movie Easy A, the protagonist uses text slang to flirt and communicate with her crush and it becomes a central part of the movie’s plot. The use of text slang in movies can also serve as a way to show the differences between generations, with older characters being perplexed by the slang used by younger characters.

Text Slang in Music

Text slang has been used in music as a way to add humor, express emotions, and show the use of technology in communication. Many artists have incorporated text slang into their lyrics, using it as a way to connect with their audience. For example, the song “Texting My Ex” by Little Mix features lyrics that use text slang, making the song relatable and humorous. In addition, text slang can also be used in music videos to show the role that technology plays in communication and relationships. By incorporating text slang into their music, artists can show the current and up-to-date use of technology and connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Text Slang in Video Games

Text slang has also made its way into video games, with in-game messaging systems often using text slang to help players communicate with each other. For example, in the popular video game Fortnite, players use text slang such as “LUL” to express laughter, “KYS” to tell someone to kill themselves, and “GG” to say good game. This use of text slang helps create a more immersive and relatable experience for players, allowing them to communicate with each other in a unique way. Text slang in video games can also be used to show the differences between generations, with older players often having difficulty understanding the slang used by younger players. Video game text slang has even taken on fictional languages. One example is in the game World of Warcraft where when a player on the Horde faction types "lol" a player on the Alliance faction will see it shown in a different language as "kek."

Advantages of Text Slang

Text slang has been around for the last two decades and its popularity continues to grow as a way to send quicker and more concise messages. This type of shorthand has several advantages, the most notable being its ability to save time and space when communicating through text messages or social media. For example, instead of writing out "laugh out loud," text slang users can simply write "LOL" to convey the same meaning. This allows for quicker and more efficient communication, especially in situations where time is of the essence.

In addition, text slang also helps to set the tone and mood of a message. Emojis, for instance, have evolved from simply meaning happy or sad and now have slang meanings that mean much more. This allows individuals to add a personal touch to their messages and communicate their emotions effectively. Text slang has also become a way for individuals to show their creativity and individuality, as slang terms can vary from person to person and region to region.

Text slang also helps to bridge language barriers, making communication between individuals from different parts of the world easier. For example, a person from the United States and one from the United Kingdom can use text slang to communicate effectively, despite the difference in their English dialects.

Disadvantages of Text Slang

Despite its many advantages, text slang also has its disadvantages. One of the major disadvantages is that it can be difficult to understand for individuals who are not familiar with the slang terms. This can cause confusion and frustration, especially in business or professional settings where clear communication is crucial. For example, if someone uses "LOL" in a business email, it might not be taken seriously as it is commonly associated with casual conversations.

Another disadvantage of text slang is that it can be misinterpreted. The meaning of slang terms can vary from person to person and region to region, making it difficult to know for sure what the sender is trying to convey. This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication, which could have serious consequences in certain situations.

Text slang can also be distracting and take away from the content of the message. Overusing text slang can make a message difficult to read and look unprofessional, which can be especially damaging in business or professional settings. This can also hinder the recipient's ability to understand the message and retain the information, as they may be too focused on decoding the text slang to grasp the content of the message.

Balancing the Usage of Text Slang

To balance the usage of text slang, it is important to consider the context and audience. When communicating in a business or professional setting, it is best to avoid using text slang and stick to clear, concise language. This helps to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation and ensures that the message is taken seriously.

In personal communication, text slang can be used in moderation to add a personal touch and convey emotions effectively. It is important to consider the recipient and their understanding of the slang terms, as overusing text slang can make the message difficult to understand.

Ultimately, the key to balancing the usage of text slang is to strike a balance between efficiency and clarity. When using text slang, it is important to choose terms that are widely understood and used in a way that enhances the message, rather than detracting from it. This allows for quick and effective communication, while also ensuring that the message is understood by the recipient.

Tips for Interpreting Text Slang

Text slang is a unique and constantly evolving language that is used in instant messaging and social media. With new slang terms being created every day, it can be difficult to keep up and understand what your friends, family, or customers are saying. Here are a few tips to help you interpret text slang:

  • Stay in the loop by regularly checking websites such as noslang.com, which has a vast database of text slang and its meanings
  • Pay attention to context, as the meaning of a slang term can change depending on how it is used
  • Ask for clarification if you are unsure about the meaning of a slang term
  • Save a list of commonly used slang terms and their meanings on your phone or computer for easy reference
By using these tips, you will be able to keep up with the fast-paced world of text slang and understand what is being said in your conversations.

Importance of Understanding Text Slang

Text slang is an ever-evolving form of language that can be difficult to keep up with, especially for those who are not familiar with it. However, understanding text slang is becoming increasingly important, especially as it continues to become more widespread and integrated into our daily lives. Whether you are a parent trying to keep up with your kids or a professional trying to communicate effectively with clients and colleagues, understanding text slang can help you connect with others and improve your communication skills.

Text slang is not just limited to personal communication either. In fact, text slang has become a common form of shorthand used in instant messaging and social media, where character limits and speed are of the utmost importance. Brands can use text slang to create a friendly relationship with customers and build a stronger brand persona, but it’s important to use text slang appropriately and in a way that aligns with the brand voice. Brands that have a more casual voice can use slang such as “LOL” or “OMG” to create a more friendly relationship with customers, while brands with a more formal tone may not want to incorporate these types of slang into their messaging strategy.

Text slang can also help to save time and increase efficiency in communication, making it an important tool for businesses and individuals alike. In fact, text abbreviations are a necessity for keeping messages concise and within the character limit, which is generally 160 characters per SMS. With advancements in technology, most smartphones can now send and receive messages containing up to 1600 characters, but it is still best practice to keep messages under 160 characters.

Implications for the Future of Text Slang

The future of text slang is difficult to predict, as it is constantly evolving and changing. However, it is clear that text slang will continue to play an important role in our daily lives and in the way we communicate with each other. As technology continues to advance and new forms of communication emerge, text slang will likely continue to adapt and evolve to meet the needs of users.

One potential implication of the future of text slang is that it may become even more integrated into our daily lives and more widely used in professional settings. As more people become familiar with text slang, it may become an even more important tool for efficient and effective communication, particularly in fast-paced industries where time is of the essence.

Another potential implication of the future of text slang is that it may become even more complex and difficult for those who are not familiar with it to understand. As text slang continues to evolve and new terms are created, it may become more challenging for those who are not familiar with the latest slang to keep up. However, the importance of understanding text slang will likely only increase, making it even more critical for individuals and businesses to stay up-to-date and familiar with the latest slang. So what are you waiting for? Start getting to know our text slang dictionary right now!