Definition & Meaning of "YWI"

What does ywi mean? View the definition of ywi and all related slang terms containing ywi below:

ywi :
you want it

Usage of YWI

The abbreviation "YWI" stands for "you want it." This phrase is often used to ask someone if they desire something or if they are interested in receiving or obtaining something. It can be used in a casual and playful manner to see if the person is interested in a particular item, activity, or opportunity.

Examples of YWI used in texting:
1. Person A: Hey, I found an extra ticket to the concert tonight, YWI?
Person B: Oh, yes please! I would love to go with you.

2. Person A: I baked some cookies, YWI?
Person B: Yum, yes please! Save me some, I'll be right over.

3. Person A: Thinking of ordering pizza for dinner, YWI?
Person B: Sounds great! What toppings are you thinking of getting?

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ywi"

iitywimwybmad :
if I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink
ywi :
you want it
ywia :
You're welcome in advance
ywic :
why would i care

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