Definition & Meaning of "WYD"

What does wyd mean? View the definition of wyd and all related slang terms containing wyd below:

wyd :
what are you doing

Usage of WYD

The abbreviation WYD is often used in texting and stands for 'what are you doing'. This phrase is typically used as a casual greeting, asking the person what they're up to at the moment. It's a common way to start a conversation or check in on someone.

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, WYD?
Person B: Just hanging out at home, you?

Example 2:
Person A: WYD this weekend?
Person B: I'm going camping with some friends.

Example 3:
Person A: WYD later?
Person B: I have a meeting at 3, but I should be free after that.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wyd"

ihiwydt :
I hate it when you do that
Ikwydls :
I know what you did last summer
iswydt :
i see what you did there
oicwydt :
oh, i see what you did there
Wtfwydt :
Why the f**k would you do that
wwyd :
what would you do?
wwyd2m :
what would you do to me
wwydt :
why would you do that
wyd :
what are you doing
wyd2dy :
what are you doing today
Wydt :
What you doing there

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