Definition & Meaning of "WYCM"

What does wycm mean? View the definition of wycm and all related slang terms containing wycm below:

wycm :
Will You Call Me

Usage of WYCM

The abbreviation WYCM is often used in texting as a way to ask someone if they plan on calling, or to express a desire for a phone call. It can be a simple and direct way to initiate or continue communication with someone, especially if you prefer calling over texting. The phrase "Will You Call Me" can also convey a sense of urgency or importance, depending on the context of the conversation.

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, I have some exciting news to tell you! WYCM later?
Person B: Sure, I'll call you after work. Can't wait to hear the news!

Example 2:
Person A: Our plans for tonight fell through, and I'm feeling pretty down. WYCM?
Person B: That sounds rough. I can call you in about 30 minutes if that works.

Example 3:
Person A: I'm not feeling great and could use someone to talk to. WYCM sometime tonight?
Person B: Absolutely, I can give you a call after dinner if that's okay.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wycm"

wwycm :
when will you call me
wycm :
Will You Call Me

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