Definition & Meaning of "WWYD"

What does wwyd mean? View the definition of wwyd and all related slang terms containing wwyd below:

wwyd :
what would you do?

Usage of WWYD

WWYD stands for 'What Would You Do?', which is used to ask someone for their opinion or suggestions when it comes to a certain problem or situation. For example, if a friend was having difficulty figuring out how to deal with a troublesome family member, a text message might read: "WWYD?" Another example could be a message asking for advice about a difficult work situation: "I'm not sure how to handle this, WWYD?" Lastly, one could be asking for thoughts on the best way to approach a certain dating situation: "He asked me out, WWYD?" By using WWYD, the sender is asking the recipient to provide them with their opinion on the matter.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wwyd"

wwyd :
what would you do?
wwyd2m :
what would you do to me
wwydt :
why would you do that

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