Definition & Meaning of "WUWT"

What does wuwt mean? View the definition of wuwt and all related slang terms containing wuwt below:

wuwt :
what's up with that

Usage of WUWT

The abbreviation WUWT is commonly used in texting to ask for an explanation or to express confusion about a particular situation or action. It stands for "what's up with that". This abbreviation is often used when someone finds something strange or unpleasant, and they need to know what's going on to make sense of the situation. With WUWT, one can save time and text space while expressing their curiosity, confusion or disapproval.

Example of WUWT used in texting:
1. Text message: "Hey, did you see Justin hanging out with Emily? WUWT?!"
Explanation: The sender is surprised to see Justin hanging out with Emily and wants to know what's going on.

2. Text message: "I thought we were meeting at the coffee shop today at 2 pm. WUWT?"
Explanation: The sender is confused because they thought they had agreed to meet at the coffee shop at 2 pm, and they want to know if there's been a change of plan.

3. Text message: "You canceled our plans without telling me? WUWT?!"
Explanation: The sender is upset that their plans have been canceled without any notice and wants an explanation.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wuwt"

wuwt :
what's up with that
wuwta :
what do you want to talk about
wuwtab :
what do you want to talk about
wuwtb :
what do you want to talk about
wuwtta :
what you want to talk about
wuwttb :
What you want to talk about

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