Definition & Meaning of "WTHS"

What does wths mean? View the definition of wths and all related slang terms containing wths below:

wths :
want to have sex

Usage of WTHS

The abbreviation WTHS is a slang term used primarily in texting or online chats to indicate a desire or interest in engaging in sexual activity with someone. It is often used as a proposition or a straightforward request for sex, usually by someone who is feeling sexually aroused or attracted to the other person.

Examples of WTHS used in texting:

1. Hey, it's been a while since we've hung out, and I can't stop thinking about you. WTHS tonight?
(Example of WTHS used to directly ask for sex)

2. Did you see that new movie that just came out? I was thinking maybe we could catch it together and then see where the night takes us... WTHS?
(Example of WTHS used as a subtle suggestion for sex)

3. Hey, I don't want to beat around the bush - I really like you and I'm interested in taking our relationship to the next level. Are you feeling the same way? WTHS?
(Example of WTHS used to express romantic feelings and desire for sex)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wths"

idnwths :
i do not want to have sex
Iwths :
I want to have sex
iwthswy :
i want to have sex with you
wths :
want to have sex
wthswm :
want to have sex with me

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