Definition & Meaning of "WTHAU"

What does wthau mean? View the definition of wthau and all related slang terms containing wthau below:

wthau :
who the hell are you

Usage of WTHAU

WTHAU stands for the phrase 'who the hell are you.' It is used to jokingly ask someone's identity in a text message. For example, if someone online is making a surprise appearance, you can use this abbreviation to express your surprise.

Sample Text Message #1:
Hey, you're new here? WTHAU?

Sample Text Message #2:
Someone just joined the chat. WTHAU?

Sample Text Message #3:
Who's this? WTHAU?

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wthau"

wthau :
who the hell are you
Wthaud :
What the heck are you doing
wthauwf :
what the hell are you waiting for

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