Definition & Meaning of "WTH"

What does wth mean? View the definition of wth and all related slang terms containing wth below:

wth :
what the heck

Usage of WTH

The abbreviation WTH is a common abbreviation used in texting and instant messaging to denote the phrase ‘What the heck’. It is used to express surprise, confusion, or disbelief at something that has been said or done. WTH is often used as an alternative for the more vulgar phrase ‘What the hell’.

Examples of WTH Used in Texting:

1. Example of WTH used in texting:
Person A: I just saw a unicorn walking down the street!
Person B: WTH?! That’s impossible!

2. Example of WTH used in texting:
Person A: Hey, did you hear that John got fired from his job?
Person B: WTH? No way! He was such a great employee.

3. Example of WTH used in texting:
Person A: I just won $10,000 in the lottery!
Person B: WTH! That’s amazing! What are you going to do with the money?

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wth"

idnwths :
i do not want to have sex
Iwths :
I want to have sex
iwthswy :
i want to have sex with you
wth :
what the heck
wtharud :
what the heck are you doing
wthau :
who the hell are you
Wthaud :
What the heck are you doing
wthauwf :
what the hell are you waiting for
wthay :
who the hell are you
wthayd :
what the heck are you doing
wthaydwmgf :
what the hell are you doing with my girlfriend
wthdyd :
what the hell did you do
wthdydt :
why the hell did you do that
wthdym :
what the hell do you mean
wthhyb :
where the hell have you been?
wthigo :
what the hell is going on
wthiwwu :
What the hell is wrong with you
wtho :
want to hang out?
wthru :
Who the heck are you
wthrud :
what the hell are you doing?
wths :
want to have sex
wthswm :
want to have sex with me
wthwt :
what the hell was that?
wthwut :
what the hell were you thinking
wthyi :
what the hell you idiot

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