Definition & Meaning of "WTFRU"

What does wtfru mean? View the definition of wtfru and all related slang terms containing wtfru below:

wtfru :
what the f**k are you

Usage of WTFRU

The abbreviation WTFRU is a slang expression that is mostly used in casual messaging. It stands for 'what the f**k are you'. It is typically used when someone is confused or taken aback by someone's words or actions. It can also be used to express disbelief or astonishment.

Examples of WTFRU used in texting:

1. Friend 1: "Hey, did you hear that Bob got a pet snake?"
Friend 2: "WTFRU?! Why would he do that?"

2. Person A: "I don't really like pizza."
Person B: "WTFRU? How can you not like pizza?"

3. Friend 1: "I just got a tattoo of my ex's name."
Friend 2: "WTFRU?! That's a terrible idea."

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wtfru"

wtfru :
what the f**k are you
wtfrud :
What the f**k are you doing?
wtfrudng :
what the f**k are you doing
wtfrudoin :
what the f**k are you doing
wtfruo :
what the f**k are you on?
wtfruttd :
what the f**k are you trying to do

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