Definition & Meaning of "WT"

What does wt mean? View the definition of wt and all related slang terms containing wt below:

wt :

Usage of WT

In texting, the abbreviation WT stands for "what". It is often used in casual conversations to ask for clarification or to express confusion about something that was said. This abbreviation saves time and effort in text messages and is widely used by people of all ages.

Examples of WT used in texting:

1. Friend: Hey, did you catch that new movie last night?
You: WT movie? I didn't hear about any new releases.

2. Boss: Can you finish that report by noon?
You: WT report? I thought you wanted me to focus on the presentation.

3. Family member: We're going to the beach this weekend, do you want to come?
You: WT beach? I have a lot of work to do this weekend.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wt"

abwt :
awty :
are we there yet
bewt :
bowt :
bwt :
but when though
coiwta :
come on i wont tell anyone
cwtgypo :
can't wait to get your panties off
dbafwtt :
Don't Be A Fool Wrap The Tool
dwt :
don't wanna talk
dywtmusw :
do you want to meet up some where
Idkwtfytb :
I dont know what the f**k you're talking about
glwt :
good luck with that
hawtie :
hfwt :
have fun with that
iawtc :
I agree with this comment
iawtp :
I agree with this post
idkwts :
I don't know what to say
idnwths :
i do not want to have sex
idwt :
i don't want to
idwtg :
I don't want to go
imwtk :
Inquiring minds want to know
iwtfu :
i want to f**k you
iwtfy :
i want to f**k you
Iwtfysbrn :
I want to f**k you so bad right now
Iwths :
I want to have sex
iwthswy :
i want to have sex with you
iwtk :
I Want to Know
Iwtkms :
I want to kill myself
iwtly :
i want to love you
iywt :
if you want to
jwtlyk :
Just wanted to let you know
kwtsds :
Kiss where the sun don't shine
latwttb :
laughing all the way to the bank
lmaowtntpm :
laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself
lolwtime :
laughing out loud with tears in my eyes
nttawwt :
Not that there is anything wrong with that
nttiawwt :
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
nwtf :
now what the f**k
omfwtg :
Oh My f**k What The God?
omgwtf :
on my God, what the f**k
oh my God, what the f**k
omgwtfhax :
Oh My God What The f**k, Hacks!
omgwtfit :
Oh my God, what the f**k is that
on my God, what the f**k
omwts :
on my way to school
roflwtime :
Rolling on the Floor laughing with tears in my eyes
swt :
swtf :
seriously, what the f**k
tiatwtcc :
this is a trap word to catch copiers
TwT :
time will tell
twtr :
twttr :
wt :
swswta :
so what should we talk about
wduwta :
what do you wanna talk about
wduwtta :
what do you want to talk about
wdywta :
what do you wanna talk about
wdywtd :
what do you want to do
wdywtdt :
Why Do You Want To Do That?
wdywtta :
what do you want to talk about
wdywttab :
What do you want to talk about
wiwt :
wish i was there
wswta :
What shall we talk about?
wtaf :
What the actual f**k
wtb :
Want to buy
wtbd :
what's the big deal
wtbh :
What the bloody hell
wtc :
what the crap
wtcf :
what the crazy f**k
wtd :
what the deuce
What the expletive
wtf :
what the f**k
wtfaud :
what the f**k are you doing?
wtfay :
who the f**k are you
wtfayd :
what the f**k are you doing
wtfayt :
why the f**k are you talking
wtfayta :
What the f**k are you talking about?
wtfb :
what the f**k b***h
wtfbs :
What the f**k bull s**t
wtfc :
Who The f**k Cares
wtfdik :
what the f**k do i know
wtfdtm :
What the f**k does that mean
wtfdum :
what the f**k do you mean
wtfduw :
What the f**k do you want?
wtfdym :
what the f**k do you mean
wtfdyw :
what the f**k do you want
wtfe :
What The f**k Ever
wtfever :
what the f**k ever
wtfg :
What the f**king god
wtfh :
what the f**king hell
wtfhb :
what the f**king hell b***h
wtfhwt :
what the f**king hell was that
wtfigo :
what the f**k is going on
wtfigoh :
what the f**k is going on here
wtfit :
what the f**k is that
wtfits :
what the f**k is this s**t
wtfiu :
what the f**k is up
wtfiup :
what the f**k is your problem
wtfiuwy :
what the f**k is up with you
wtfiwwu :
what the f**k is wrong with you
wtfiwwy :
what the f**k is wrong with you
wtfiyp :
what the f**k is your problem
wtfm :
what the f**k, mate?
wtfmf :
what the f**k mother f**ker
wtfo :
what the f**k over
wtfru :
what the f**k are you
wtfrud :
What the f**k are you doing?
wtfrudng :
what the f**k are you doing
wtfrudoin :
what the f**k are you doing
wtfruo :
what the f**k are you on?
wtfruttd :
what the f**k are you trying to do
wtfs :
what the f**king s**t?
wtfuah :
what the f**k you a**h**e
wtful :
What the f**k you loser
wtfwjd :
what the f**k would jesus do
wtfwt :
what the f**k was that
wtfwtd :
what the f**k was that dude
wtfwtf :
what the f**k was that for?
Wtfwydt :
Why the f**k would you do that
wtfya :
what the f**k you a**h**e
wtfyb :
what the f**k you b***h
wtg :
way to go
wtgds :
way to go dumb s**t
wtgp :
Want to go Private
wth :
what the heck
wtharud :
what the heck are you doing
wthau :
who the hell are you
Wthaud :
What the heck are you doing
wthauwf :
what the hell are you waiting for
wthay :
who the hell are you
wthayd :
what the heck are you doing
wthaydwmgf :
what the hell are you doing with my girlfriend
wthdyd :
what the hell did you do
wthdydt :
why the hell did you do that
wthdym :
what the hell do you mean
wthhyb :
where the hell have you been?
wthigo :
what the hell is going on
wthiwwu :
What the hell is wrong with you
wtho :
want to hang out?
wthru :
Who the heck are you
wthrud :
what the hell are you doing?
wths :
want to have sex
wthswm :
want to have sex with me
wthwt :
what the hell was that?
wthwut :
what the hell were you thinking
wthyi :
what the hell you idiot
wtii :
what time is it
wtiiot :
What time is it over there?
wtiiwua :
what time is it where you are
wtityb :
whatever, tell it to your blog
wtly :
Welcome to last year
Wtm :
What's the move
wtmf :
what the mother f**k
wtmfh :
what the mother f**king hell
wtmi :
way too much information
wtmtr :
what's the matter
wtp :
where's the party
Want to play Roblox
wtrud :
what are you doing
wts :
want to sell
wtt :
want to trade
wtta :
what to talk about
wttp :
want to trade pictures?
wtv :
wtva :
wtvr :
Wtw :
What's the word
wtwm :
what time are we meeting?
wtwr :
well that was random
Word To Your Mother
wuwt :
what's up with that
wuwta :
what do you want to talk about
wuwtab :
what do you want to talk about
wuwtb :
what do you want to talk about
wuwtta :
what you want to talk about
wuwttb :
What you want to talk about
wwt :
what was that
wwtf :
what was that for
wywtta :
What you want to talk about
yduwtk :
why do you want to know
yiwtgo :
Yes, I want to go private

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