Definition & Meaning of "WDYWTTAB"

What does wdywttab mean? View the definition of wdywttab and all related slang terms containing wdywttab below:

wdywttab :
What do you want to talk about


The abbreviation WDYWTTAB is commonly used in texting and refers to the question, "What do you want to talk about?" It is often used as an icebreaker or conversation starter when two people are trying to initiate a conversation but don't know what to talk about. By using this abbreviation, it saves time and is more convenient when texting.

Examples of WDYWTTAB used in texting:

1. Person A: "Hey, how's it going?"
Person B: "Pretty good, WDYWTTAB?"

2. Person A: "I was just thinking about you, what's up?"
Person B: "Not much, just bored. WDYWTTAB?"

3. Person A: "Hey, long time no talk. What's new with you?"
Person B: "Not much, just trying to keep busy. WDYWTTAB?"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wdywttab"

wdywttab :
What do you want to talk about

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