Definition & Meaning of "WDYA"

What does wdya mean? View the definition of wdya and all related slang terms containing wdya below:

wdya :
why do you ask

Usage of WDYA

The abbreviation WDYA is a shorthand way of asking someone why they are asking a particular question. It is often used when someone is curious about the motive behind a question and wants to know more information before giving an answer. This abbreviation is commonly used in texting and other forms of digital communication to save time and space.

Example 1: Hey, can I borrow your car tonight?
Response: WDYA?

Example 2: Do you have any plans this weekend?
Response: WDYA?

Example 3: Are you mad at me for something?
Response: WDYA?

Examples of WDYA used in texting.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wdya"

wdya :
why do you ask

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