Definition & Meaning of "TWYL"

What does twyl mean? View the definition of twyl and all related slang terms containing twyl below:

twyl :
Talk With You Later

Usage of TWYL

TWYL is an abbreviation commonly used in texting that stands for 'Talk With You Later'. It is often used as a way to end a conversation with someone while indicating that you would like to talk to them again at a later time. This abbreviation is useful in text messaging, especially when you are in a hurry and want to convey your message quickly.

Example of TWYL used in texting:

1. Hey, I gotta run. I have a meeting in 5 minutes. TWYL!
(Example of TWYL used in texting as a way to end the conversation and indicate that the person would like to talk later.)

2. Sorry, I can't talk right now. I'm at work. TWYL!
(Example of TWYL used in texting as a polite way to end the conversation while indicating that the person wants to talk at a later time.)

3. Hey, I'm going out with some friends now. TWYL!
(Example of TWYL used in texting as a way to end the conversation while letting the other person know that they will talk later.)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "twyl"

twyl :
Talk With You Later

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