Definition & Meaning of "TTYRS"

What does ttyrs mean? View the definition of ttyrs and all related slang terms containing ttyrs below:

ttyrs :
talk to you really soon

Usage of TTYRS

The abbreviation TTYRS is commonly used in texting to signify 'talk to you really soon'. The phrase is often used to indicate that the sender will be in contact with the recipient shortly. When someone says TTYRS, it is a way of expressing that they are looking forward to continuing the conversation with the recipient in the very near future.

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, I gotta run but I'll TTYRS about this later!
Person B: Sounds good! ttyl!

Example 2:
Person A: Can you meet me at the park in 20?
Person B: I can't make it then, but TTYRS and we can set something up!

Example 3:
Person A: What's up?
Person B: Not much, just about to start dinner. TTYRS though!

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ttyrs"

ttyrs :
talk to you really soon

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