Definition & Meaning of "TTTKA"

What does tttka mean? View the definition of tttka and all related slang terms containing tttka below:

tttka :
Time to totally kick ass

Usage of TTTKA

The abbreviation TTTKA stands for "Time to totally kick ass." The abbreviation originated in the 2004 film "White Chicks" with the quote: "triple T K A. Time to totally kick ass!" from Marlon Wayans Character Marcus Copeland.

TTTKA is often used to convey a sense of determination, motivation, and readiness to succeed. It signifies a moment when someone is fully prepared to tackle a challenge or task with confidence and excellence.

Examples of TTTKA used in texting:

1. Text from Mom: Good luck on your exam today, you've got this!
Me: Thanks mom, TTTKA! I'm feeling confident and ready to ace it.

2. Group chat:
Friend 1: Anyone up for a workout later?
Friend 2: TTTKA! Let's hit the gym and crush our fitness goals.
Friend 3: I'm in, TTTKA all the way!

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "tttka"

tttka :
Time to totally kick ass

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