Definition & Meaning of "TH4NK5"

What does th4nk5 mean? View the definition of th4nk5 and all related slang terms containing th4nk5 below:

th4nk5 :

Usage of TH4NK5

TH4NK5 is an abbreviation used in texting and online communication to express gratitude or appreciation towards someone. It is a shortened version of the word 'thanks', with the numbers 4 and 5 taking the place of the letters 'a' and 's'. This abbreviation is especially popular among millennials and Gen Z who prefer to use shorter and more convenient ways of communication.

Examples of TH4NK5 used in texting:
1. Example of TH4NK5 used in texting: TH4NK5 for answering my call earlier. I really appreciate it.
2. Example of TH4NK5 used in texting: TH4NK5 a lot for the birthday wishes, it means a lot to me.
3. Example of TH4NK5 used in texting: I just wanted to say TH4NK5 for always being there for me, you're the best friend anyone could ask for.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "th4nk5"

th4nk5 :

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