Definition & Meaning of "TBHWY"

What does tbhwy mean? View the definition of tbhwy and all related slang terms containing tbhwy below:

tbhwy :
To be honest with you

Usage of TBHWY

TBHWY is an abbreviation that stands for "To be honest with you." It is commonly used in text messaging to let the recipient know that the sender is about to share their truthful opinion or perspective on something. It's a way of indicating that what follows is an honest and genuine statement or piece of advice.

Example 1 (TBHWY used in texting):
Person A: Hey, do you think I should dye my hair pink?
Person B: TBHWY, I don't think pink would look good on you. Maybe try a different color?

Example 2 (TBHWY used in texting):
Person A: Did you like the movie we saw last night?
Person B: TBHWY, I wasn't too impressed. It was a bit boring for me.

Example 3 (TBHWY used in texting):
Person A: How are you liking your new job?
Person B: TBHWY, it's been really stressful so far. But I'm hoping it will get better as I get more used to it.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "tbhwy"

Tbhwy :
To be honest with you

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