Definition & Meaning of "TBD"

What does tbd mean? View the definition of tbd and all related slang terms containing tbd below:

tbd :
to be decided

Usage of TBD

The abbreviation 'TBD' is a widely used abbreviation in texting that stands for 'to be decided'. It is used when the outcome of a situation has not yet been determined, and a decision is yet to be made on how to proceed with it. This abbreviation is commonly used when planning events or meetings that do not have a set date, time or location. It is an effective way to communicate that a final decision on a matter is still pending.

Examples of TBD used in texting:
1. Let's catch up soon, TBD on the date and time.
2. Hey, I'm thinking about organizing a get-together this weekend. Venue TBD.
3. Are you free this weekend? I want to plan a trip, but the destination is still TBD.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "tbd"

tbd :
to be decided
wtbd :
what's the big deal

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