Definition & Meaning of "SKILLZ"

What does skillz mean? View the definition of skillz and all related slang terms containing skillz below:

skillz :

Usage of SKILLZ

The abbreviation "SKILLZ" is commonly used in texting and online communication to refer to skills. It can be used to describe a broad range of abilities or talents, from academic skills to artistic ones. The usage of "SKILLZ" is often used to show off one's knowledge or to acknowledge someone else's expertise in a certain area.

Examples of SKILLZ used in texting:
1. "Hey, do you have any coding SKILLZ? I need some help with my website."
2. "I saw your artwork online, and your drawing SKILLZ are amazing!"
3. "I need to improve my writing SKILLZ for this essay, do you have any tips?"

Examples of SKILLZ used in texting:
1. "I just finished a programming course and gained some serious coding SKILLZ."
2. "My cooking SKILLZ have really improved during quarantine. Wanna come over for dinner?"
3. "Wow, your basketball SKILLZ are on another level. Teach me your ways!"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "skillz"

skillz :

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