Definition & Meaning of "S2US"

What does s2us mean? View the definition of s2us and all related slang terms containing s2us below:

s2us :
Speak to you soon

Usage of S2US

The abbreviation S2US is commonly used in conversations over text messages, and it stands for 'Speak to you soon.' It is a polite and friendly way of telling the other person that you plan to talk to them soon, either in person or over another form of communication. S2US is a useful abbreviation that can help save time and keystrokes while maintaining clear communication.

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, I'm heading out now.
Person B: Ok, have a good time! S2US.

Example 2:
Person A: Thanks for your help with the project.
Person B: No problem, anytime! S2US.

Example 3:
Person A: I'm going to bed now.
Person B: Goodnight, talk to you tomorrow. S2US!

Examples of S2US used in texting.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "s2us"

s2us :
Speak to you soon

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