Definition & Meaning of "RUABOG"

What does ruabog mean? View the definition of ruabog and all related slang terms containing ruabog below:

ruabog :
are you a boy or girl

Usage of RUABOG

RUABOG is a commonly used abbreviation in texting that stands for 'are you a boy or girl'. It is often used as a way to quickly and informally ask someone about their gender identity when communicating through text messages.

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, I really like talking to you. RUABOG?
Person B: I'm a girl. What about you?

Example 2:
Person A: Can you send me a picture of yourself? RUABOG?
Person B: I'm a guy. Here's a picture of me.

Example 3:
Person A: Sorry, I wasn't sure... RUABOG?
Person B: It's okay! I'm genderqueer.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ruabog"

ruabog :
are you a boy or girl

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