Definition & Meaning of "RNG"

What does rng mean? View the definition of rng and all related slang terms containing rng below:

rng :
random number generator

Usage of RNG

A random number generator, abbreviated as RNG, is a computer program or device that generates a sequence of numbers or symbols that are seemingly random. These generators are used in a variety of applications, including gaming, cryptography, and statistics, where randomness is crucial.

Examples of RNG used in texting:

1. Hey, have you played that new game yet? It's so addicting thanks to the RNG system!
2. The lottery results were just announced and my numbers didn't come up again. I swear their RNG must be flawed.
3. I'm trying to generate a new password but can't think of anything secure. I might resort to using an RNG to create one for me.

Examples of RNG used in texting

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "rng"

rng :
random number generator
urng2bt :
You are not going to believe this
wrng :

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