Definition & Meaning of "PITRTUL"

What does pitrtul mean? View the definition of pitrtul and all related slang terms containing pitrtul below:

pitrtul :
parents in the room text you later

Usage of PITRTUL

The abbreviation PITRTUL is used in texting as a signal to indicate that the person sending the message needs to end their conversation or communication as their parents are in the room and they will contact the recipient later. This is a way of letting the recipient know that the conversation cannot continue at the moment due to parental supervision or observation.

Examples of PITRTUL used in texting:
1. "Hey, I need to go now. Pirtul, talk to you later!"
2. "Sorry, can't chat anymore. PITRTUL, catch up later."
3. "Gotta run, PITRTUL! Chat more when my parents are not around."

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "pitrtul"

pitrtul :
parents in the room text you later

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