Definition & Meaning of "PITR"

What does pitr mean? View the definition of pitr and all related slang terms containing pitr below:

pitr :
parent in the room

Usage of PITR

The term PITR is commonly used among teenagers when they are texting with their friends and want to indicate that their parent is present in the same room with them. The abbreviation is used to alert the person on the other end of the conversation that they need to be cautious about what they write or say. It is especially necessary when the subject of the conversation is not something that the teenager wants their parent to know about.

Examples of PITR used in texting:
1. Friend A: Hey, what did you think of the party last night?
Friend B: It was pretty fun, but I had to leave early because PITR.
2. Friend A: Did you finish your homework yet?
Friend B: Not yet, but I'll get it done during lunch. PITR right now.
3. Friend A: Did you hear about what happened with Jack?
Friend B: No, what happened? Wait, PITR, let's talk later.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "pitr"

pitr :
parent in the room
pitrtul :
parents in the room text you later

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