Definition & Meaning of "PBJ"

What does pbj mean? View the definition of pbj and all related slang terms containing pbj below:

pbj :
peanut butter and jelly

Usage of PBJ

PBJ is a popular abbreviation in American slang that stands for 'peanut butter and jelly'. Peanut butter and jelly is a classic sandwich filling made by spreading creamy or crunchy peanut butter on one piece of bread and then spreading jelly or jam on the other slice of bread before squeezing them together to form a sandwich. The sandwich is often eaten as a snack or for lunch, and it is easy to make, affordable, and delicious.

Example of PBJ used in texting:
1. Hey, do you want me to make you a PBJ for lunch?
(Example of PBJ used in texting: Asking if someone wants a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch)

2. Can we stop at the store? We need to grab some bread, peanut butter, and jelly to make pbjs for the kids tomorrow.
(Example of PBJ used in texting: Referring to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as pbjs)

3. I'm craving something sweet, but I don't have any dessert. I think I'm going to make myself a PBJ!
(Example of PBJ used in texting: Describing making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as making a PBJ)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "pbj"

pbj :
peanut butter and jelly
pbjt :
peanut butter jelly time

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