Definition & Meaning of "PAH"

What does pah mean? View the definition of pah and all related slang terms containing pah below:

pah :
parents at home

Usage of PAH

The abbreviation PAH is a commonly used abbreviation in texting that stands for 'parents at home'. This abbreviation is frequently used by teenagers who want to communicate with their friends discreetly about whether or not they can hang out or chat without worrying about their parents overhearing their conversation. When someone uses PAH in a text message, it means they are letting the other person know that their parents are around and they need to be careful with what they say or do. Here are three examples of PAH used in texting:

Examples of PAH used in texting:
1. Hey, can you come over and hang out tonight? PAH are out of town for the weekend!
2. Sorry, I can't talk on the phone right now, PAH just walked into the room.
3. Let's meet up at the park in 30 minutes, PAH won't be home from work until later.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "pah"

pah :
parents at home

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