Definition & Meaning of "NEIDA"

What does neida mean? View the definition of neida and all related slang terms containing neida below:

neida :
any idea

Usage of NEIDA

The abbreviation NEIDA is commonly used in text messaging and means 'any idea'. It is often used when asking someone for suggestions or advice on a particular topic. The use of this abbreviation also helps to keep the conversation brief and to the point.

Examples of NEIDA used in texting:
1. Person A: Hey, I'm looking for a new book to read. NEIDA?
Person B: Have you read "The Hunger Games"? It's really good!

2. Person A: I'm planning a surprise party for my best friend, NEIDA for a theme?
Person B: How about a 90's throwback party? That could be fun!

3. Person A: I need to buy a gift for my mom's birthday, NEIDA?
Person B: Maybe you could get her a spa day gift certificate? She loves pampering herself!

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "neida"

neida :
any idea

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