Definition & Meaning of "LYMYWY"

What does lymywy mean? View the definition of lymywy and all related slang terms containing lymywy below:

lymywy :
Love You, Miss You, Want You

Usage of LYMYWY

The abbreviation LYMYWY is often used in text messaging to express strong feelings of love and longing for someone who is not currently present. It stands for 'Love You, Miss You, Want You'. Essentially, LYMYWY conveys the message that the sender deeply loves and cares for the recipient, that they miss their presence in their life, and that they want to be with them.

Example 1: Hi babe, just wanted to let you know that LYMYWY. Can't wait to see you tonight.
(Example of LYMYWY used in texting)

Example 2: Hey dude, it's been too long since we've hung out. LYMYWY man. Let's grab a drink soon?
(Example of LYMYWY used in texting)

Example 3: Mom, I know we don't always see eye to eye but I just wanted to say LYMYWY. You mean the world to me.
(Example of LYMYWY used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "lymywy"

Love You, Miss You, Want You

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