Definition & Meaning of "IHAC"

What does ihac mean? View the definition of ihac and all related slang terms containing ihac below:

ihac :
I have a customer

Usage of IHAC

The abbreviation "IHAC" is a shorthand way of conveying that a person currently has a customer, most likely in a retail or hospitality setting. It can be used as a quick and easy way to let someone know that they are busy assisting someone else, and may not be able to respond immediately to messages or calls.

Examples of IHAC used in texting:

1. Hey, sorry for the delay in responding. IHAC at the moment, can I get back to you in a bit?
(Example of IHAC used in texting to let someone know they are currently with a customer.)

2. Can you come over and help me with something?
Sorry, can't right now, IHAC. Maybe later this afternoon?
(Example of IHAC used in texting to explain why the person is unavailable to help.)

3. Are you free for a quick call?
Not right now, sorry. Just got into work and IHAC. Can we chat later today?
(Example of IHAC used in texting to let someone know that they are currently assisting a customer.)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ihac"

ihac :
I have a customer

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