Definition & Meaning of "IDUWYM"

What does iduwym mean? View the definition of iduwym and all related slang terms containing iduwym below:

iduwym :
I don't understand what you mean.

Usage of IDUWYM

IDUWYM stands for ‘I Don’t Understand What You Mean’ and is an abbreviation used in online conversations as an abbreviation for when someone does not understand what another person is saying. This is a convenient short way of expressing confusion and can be used in different written messages such as emails, chats and text messages. Examples of text messages using this abbreviation could include:

1. Can you explain what you mean by that? IDUWYM
2. I'm not sure what you're trying to say - IDUWYM?
3. Sorry, I don't get it - IDUWYM?

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "iduwym"

iduwym :
I don't understand what you mean.

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