Definition & Meaning of "IDLU"

What does idlu mean? View the definition of idlu and all related slang terms containing idlu below:

idlu :
i don't like you

Usage of IDLU

The abbreviation IDLU is a shorthand way of saying 'I don't like you'. It's a straightforward and somewhat blunt way of expressing one's dislike for someone or something. This abbreviation is often used in texting, where brevity and speed are key, particularly among younger generations. It's important to note that using abbreviations like IDLU can come across as rude or dismissive, especially if the recipient is sensitive or has a history with the sender. As with all communication, it's important to consider the context and audience before using any shorthand.

Examples of IDLU used in texting:

1. Person A: Hey, I heard you're going to the party tonight!
Person B: Yeah, but I heard that guy I don't like is going to be there too. IDLU
(Example of IDLU used in texting)

2. Person A: Did you hear what they said about us?
Person B: No, what?
Person A: They called us losers.
Person B: ugh, IDLU
(Example of IDLU used in texting)

3. Person A: I think I'm falling for you.
Person B: Sorry, but IDLU. Let's just stay friends.
(Example of IDLU used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "idlu"

idlu :
i don't like you

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