Definition & Meaning of "IDKE"

What does idke mean? View the definition of idke and all related slang terms containing idke below:

idke :
I don't know ethier

Usage of IDKE

IDKE is an abbreviation used in texting and online chat that stands for "I don't know either." It's a quick and convenient way to express uncertainty or lack of knowledge about a particular topic or question. This abbreviation can be useful in a variety of situations when you want to acknowledge that you don't have the answer without having to go into further detail.

Examples of IDKE used in texting:

1. Person A: Do you know what time the concert starts?
Person B: IDKE, have you checked their website?

2. Person A: Who do you think will win the game tonight?
Person B: IDKE, I haven't been following the teams this season.

3. Person A: How many episodes are in the new series?
Person B: IDKE, but I can look it up for you if you want.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "idke"

idke :
I don't know ethier

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