Definition & Meaning of "IDGF"

What does idgf mean? View the definition of idgf and all related slang terms containing idgf below:

idgf :
I don't give a f**k

Usage of IDGF

The abbreviation "IDGF" stands for "I don't give a f**k" and is commonly used to express a strong sense of disregard or indifference towards a particular situation or topic. It is often used in informal and casual conversations to convey a lack of concern or interest.

Examples of IDGF used in texting:

1. Friend: Can you believe what Jessica said about you?
You: IDGF, her opinion doesn't matter to me.

2. Mom: You forgot to take out the trash again!
You: Sorry, IDGF, I'll do it later.

3. Co-worker: Do you care about the new project deadline?
You: IDGF, I'll get it done whenever.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "idgf"

idgf :
I don't give a f**k

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