Definition & Meaning of "HWIK"

What does hwik mean? View the definition of hwik and all related slang terms containing hwik below:

hwik :
how would i know

Usage of HWIK

The abbreviation HWIK is used to express confusion or uncertainty about a specific situation. It means 'how would I know' and is commonly used when someone is asked a question that they do not have an answer for or have no way of knowing. The abbreviation is often used in texting as a quick and efficient way to respond to a question when the individual on the receiving end does not have the necessary information to give an accurate answer.

Examples of HWIK used in texting:
1. Person A: "Hey, do you know what time the party starts tonight?"
Person B: "HWIK, I haven't been told yet."

2. Person A: "Did you hear about John's new job?"
Person B: "HWIK, I haven't talked to him in a while."

3. Person A: "Do you think it's going to rain later?"
Person B: "HWIK, I haven't checked the weather forecast today."

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "hwik"

hwik :
how would i know

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