Definition & Meaning of "HPY"

What does hpy mean? View the definition of hpy and all related slang terms containing hpy below:

hpy :

Usage of HPY

The abbreviation HPY is a shorthand way of writing the word "happy". It is commonly used in text messaging and social media to express a feeling of joy, contentment or satisfaction. By using HPY, people can save time and space, and convey their message in a casual and informal manner.

Examples of HPY used in texting:

1. Hi friend, I just got accepted into my dream university! I'm HPY beyond words! 🎉🎓
(Example of HPY used in texting)

2. Yesterday was my birthday and my family threw me a surprise party. It was such a beautiful gesture and it made me feel incredibly HPY ❤️🎂
(Example of HPY used in texting)

3. Hey dude, how's your day going? I hope everything is HPY and chill for you, let's grab some drinks later! 🍺👍
(Example of HPY used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "hpy"

hpy :
hpybdy :
happy birthday

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