Definition & Meaning of "HOAS"

What does hoas mean? View the definition of hoas and all related slang terms containing hoas below:

hoas :
Hang on a second

Usage of HOAS

The abbreviation "HOAS" is commonly used in texting and means "hang on a second." This abbreviation is used when someone needs a brief moment to respond or needs to pause the conversation for a moment. It is a shorthand way of conveying the message that you need a moment to pause before continuing with the conversation.

Example 1 - Examples of HOAS used in texting:
Person A: Hey, did you see my message?
Person B: HOAS, I'm in the middle of something.

Example 2 - Examples of HOAS used in texting:
Person A: Can you help me with this math problem?
Person B: HOAS, I need to finish this chapter, then I'll be right with you.

Example 3 - Examples of HOAS used in texting:
Person A: How are you doing today?
Person B: HOAS, I'm driving right now.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "hoas"

hoas :
Hang on a second

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