Definition & Meaning of "HBUF"

What does hbuf mean? View the definition of hbuf and all related slang terms containing hbuf below:

hbuf :
how about your family

Usage of HBUF

The abbreviation HBUF is used by people who want to ask about the well-being of someone's family members. It's a way to show that you care about not only the person you're texting but also their family. By using the abbreviation, you can save time and space while still conveying your concern.

Examples of HBUF used in texting:

1. Hey, it's been a while since we caught up. HBUF - how's everyone doing?
2. I heard about the storm in your area. HBUF, did your family make it through okay?
3. Before we get into work stuff, HBUF? Anything exciting happening with your family lately?

In all 3 examples, the abbreviation HBUF is used as a way to inquire about someone's family. It saves time and space in the text message while still conveying care and concern for the well-being of the person and their loved ones.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "hbuf"

hbuf :
how about your family

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