Definition & Meaning of "GMAFB"

What does gmafb mean? View the definition of gmafb and all related slang terms containing gmafb below:

gmafb :
give me a f**king break

Usage of GMAFB

GMAFB is an abbreviation commonly used in texting and online communication. It's an abbreviation that stands for 'give me a f**king break'. The abbreviation is often used to express frustration or annoyance towards a situation or a person. It can be used in various contexts, from someone being irritating and demanding to encountering a challenging situation that seems impossible to handle.

Examples of GMAFB used in texting:

1) Friend 1: Hey, can you lend me money again? I promise I'll pay you back this time.

Friend 2: GMAFB, you still owe me from the last time.

2) Person 1: Why did you break up with your boyfriend?

Person 2: He cheated on me for the third time. GMAFB, I deserve better than that.

3) Boss: I need you to come in on your day off to help with a project.

Employee: GMAFB, I already worked overtime every day this week.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "gmafb"

gmafb :
give me a f**king break

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