Definition & Meaning of "F4M"

What does f4m mean? View the definition of f4m and all related slang terms containing f4m below:

f4m :
female for male

Usage of F4M

The abbreviation F4M is often used in online dating or hookup sites to signify that a woman is interested in finding a male partner. It means 'female for male' and is useful in quickly indicating one's gender and preferences without having to spell it out in a profile or chat message. Using F4M can save time and effort when seeking out potential matches or partners.

Examples of F4M used in texting:
1. "Hey, new to the city and looking to explore. F4M for fun adventures and good company."
2. "Ladies night out turned into a bit of a bust. Anyone F4M want to grab a drink and save the night?"
3. "I'm feeling lonely tonight, F4M to chat and maybe watch a movie together?"

(Label all three text messages as Examples of F4M used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "f4m"

f4m :
female for male

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