Definition & Meaning of "DNK"

What does dnk mean? View the definition of dnk and all related slang terms containing dnk below:

dnk :
do not know

Usage of DNK

In the world of modern communication, abbreviations are widely used to save time and effort. The abbreviation DNK stands for 'do not know'. It is commonly used in texting and messaging platforms when an individual is unaware of something or does not have the information someone else is seeking.

Examples of DNK used in texting:

1. Hey, do you know when the assignment is due? Sorry, DNK.

2. Can you tell me which movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2014? DNK, sorry.

3. My mom asked me to ask you what time the party starts tonight, but I DNK. Can you let me know?

Examples of DNK used in texting:

1. Hey, do you know when the assignment is due? Sorry, DNK.

2. Can you tell me which movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2014? DNK, sorry.

3. My mom asked me to ask you what time the party starts tonight, but I DNK. Can you let me know?

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "dnk"

dnk :
do not know
idnk :
i don't know

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