Definition & Meaning of "DFWMT"

What does dfwmt mean? View the definition of dfwmt and all related slang terms containing dfwmt below:

dfwmt :
Don't f**king waste my time

Usage of DFWMT

The abbreviation DFWMT is a vulgar way of essentially telling someone not to waste your time. It is usually used when someone is annoyed or frustrated with another person's actions or behavior. The abbreviation is often used in texting to quickly convey a sense of urgency or frustration without having to type out the full phrase.

Examples of DFWMT used in texting:
1. Person A: Hey, can we meet up later tonight?
Person B: Sorry, I can't tonight. Don't f**king waste my time.
Example of DFWMT used in texting.

2. Person A: Can you help me move this weekend?
Person B: I'm busy this weekend, DFWMT.
Example of DFWMT used in texting.

3. Person A: I know we have a project due tomorrow, but can we work on it later?
Person B: No, we need to work on it now. DFWMT.
Example of DFWMT used in texting.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "dfwmt"

dfwmt :
Don't f**king waste my time

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