Definition & Meaning of "DATY"

What does daty mean? View the definition of daty and all related slang terms containing daty below:

daty :
dining at the y

Usage of DATY

The abbreviation "DATY" stands for "dining at the Y" and is a colloquial way of referring to oral sex performed on a woman. The term alludes to the shape of the female genital area, with "Y" representing the spread legs and the mouth representing the act of dining. This slang term is typically used in casual or explicit conversations to describe this intimate activity. It's very common on personal ads or escort sites.

Examples of DATY used in texting:
1. Text Message: "Hey, are you up for some DATY tonight? 😉"
2. Text Message: "I'm craving some DATY action, are you free this weekend?"
3. Text Message: "Last night was amazing, thanks for the unforgettable DATY experience!"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "daty"

daty :
dining at the y

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