Definition & Meaning of "BTDTGTTS"

What does btdtgtts mean? View the definition of btdtgtts and all related slang terms containing btdtgtts below:

btdtgtts :
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt


The abbreviation BTDTGTTS stands for 'Been there, done that, got the T-shirt' and is often used to convey the message that the speaker has already experienced something that is being discussed or suggested. It is a way to express that the speaker has already gone through a similar situation and does not need to do it again.

Example of BTDTGTTS used in texting:

1. Person A: "I was thinking about trying out that new restaurant."
Person B: "BTDTGTTS. The food was just okay."

2. Person A: "Do you want to go on a trip to Europe?"
Person B: "BTDTGTTS. I went last year."

3. Person A: "I'm so nervous about my job interview tomorrow."
Person B: "BTDTGTTS. I've had plenty of interviews, just be yourself and you'll do great."

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "btdtgtts"

btdtgtts :
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt

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