Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "W"
- awb :
- Acquaintance with benefits
- BFWB :
- brbmpawoms :
- be right back my parents are watching over my shoulder
- BWL :
- Bursting with laughter
- catwot :
- complete and total waste of time
- Idkwtfytb :
- I dont know what the f**k you're talking about
- fwb :
- Friends with Benefits
- fwob :
- friends with occasional benefits
- fwp :
- first world problems
- gaw :
- grandparents are watching
- ggpaw :
- gotta go parents are watching
- hawf :
- Husband and Wife forever
- idkwurta :
- I don't know what you are talking about.
- iduwym :
- I don't understand what you mean.
- ilbw :
- Instagram loving b***h wife
- imwtk :
- Inquiring minds want to know
- inttwmf :
- I am Not Typing This With My Fingers
- istwfn :
- I stole this word from
- jttsiowctw :
- just testing to see if other websites copy this word
- kmswl :
- killing myself with laughter
- lawl :
- lauging out loud with a southern drawl
- lawls :
- laughing out loud with a southern drawl
- lawlz :
- laughing out loud with a southern drawl
- lmaowrotf :
- Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor
- lmaowtntpm :
- laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself
- lpiaw :
- Large p*nis is always welcome
- mgiwjsdchmw :
- my girlfriend is watching jeff so don't call her my wife
- mwf :
- Married White Female
- na4w :
- not appropriate for work
- nmhwby :
- nothing much here what about you
- nmjdhw :
- nothing much just doing homework
- nttawwt :
- Not that there is anything wrong with that
- nttiawwt :
- Not that there is anything wrong with that.
- p@w :
- parents are watching
- paw :
- parents are watching
- prw :
- parents are watching
- pwcb :
- parents watching close by
- pwob :
- Parent watching over back
- pwoms :
- parent watching over my shoulder
- pww :
- parents were watching
- qpwd :
- quit posting while drunk
- roflmaowpimp :
- rolling on floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants
- roflwtime :
- Rolling on the Floor laughing with tears in my eyes
- rofwl :
- Rolling on the floor while laughing
- rotfwlmao :
- rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off
- SJW :
- Social Justice Warrior
- swtf :
- seriously, what the f**k
- taw :
- Teachers are Watching
- tgws :
- that goes without saying
- tliwwv :
- this link is worthless without video
- tpiwwp :
- this post is worthless without pictures
- ttiuwp :
- This Thread Is Useless Without Pictures
- ttiwwop :
- This thread is worthless without pics
- ttiwwp :
- this thread is worthless without pics
- twi :
- Texting While Intoxicated
- upw :
- unidentified party wound
- wbp :
- Welcome Back Partner
- wfyb :
- whatever floats your boat
- wlos :
- wife looking over Shoulder
- wmd :
- Weapons Of Mass Destruction
- wmyb :
- What Makes You Beautiful
- wombat :
- waste of money, brains, and time
- wpe :
- worst president ever (Bush)
- wtfayta :
- What the f**k are you talking about?
- wtmfh :
- what the mother f**king hell
- wtmi :
- way too much information
- wtwm :
- what time are we meeting?
- wutb :
- What are you talking about
- wuwta :
- what do you want to talk about
- wuwtb :
- what do you want to talk about
- wwdhd :
- What would David Hasselhoff do
- wwe :
- World Wrestling Entertainment
- wylym :
- Watch Your Language Young Man
- wyp :
- what's your problem?
- wysitwirl :
- what you see is totally worthless in real life
- yqw :
- you're quite welcome
- yvfw :
- you're very f**king welcome
- ywia :
- You're welcome in advance
- ywvm :
- you're welcome very much
- yysw :
- yeah, yeah, sure, whatever
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