Definition & Meaning of "FHRITP"

What does Fhritp mean? View the definition of Fhritp and all related slang terms containing Fhritp below:

fhritp :
f**k her right in the p***y

Usage of FHRITP

This phrase dates back to a viral video from 2014 where a fake news reporter mentioned the term in the context of what many people would consider to be sexual harrasment.

The term since started a vulgar viral videobombing trend where people tried to yell it in the background of newscasts.

The Abbreviation FHRITP became popular when the creator of the original video started selling merchandise that featured it.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "Fhritp"

Fhritp :
f**k her right in the p***y

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