Definition & Meaning of "BLVD"

What does Blvd mean? View the definition of Blvd and all related slang terms containing Blvd below:

blvd :

Usage of BLVD

A boulevard, typically abbreviated as BLVD, is a wide and usually tree-lined road in a city or town. Boulevards are often designed for both aesthetics and functionality, providing ample space for vehicle traffic as well as pedestrian pathways. They are commonly found in urban areas and are often lined with shops, restaurants, and other commercial establishments, making them popular destinations for both locals and tourists.

Examples of BLVD used in texting:
1. "Hey, I'll meet you at the café on Main BLVD for lunch tomorrow."
2. "Traffic is crazy on Ocean BLVD right now, I might be a bit late."
3. "Do you know which theater is showing the new movie on Park BLVD?"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "Blvd"

Blvd :

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