Rejected Slang Terms

The rejected terms are sorted by letter. Click on a letter above to see the corresponding slang terms and definitions.

At NoSlang, we get a lot of slang submissions each day. Unfortunately we can't just accept anything into the database. The terms we accept have to be in wide use on the internet (basically, they have to show up if we Google them!). Until now, the less popular terms have just fallen by the wayside - to be forever forgotten and ignored by the slang dictionary. Not anymore!

Below are the words deemed not good enough to make it into the dictionary. While they may not be widely used, we recognize that they may be used by somebody - so if you can't find it in the main dictionary you may be able to find it here.

Are we missing slang? Add it to our dictionary.  

Click a Letter to See Corresponding Text Slang:

fmmfl :
f**k my mother f**king life
Lmaottt :
Laughing my ass off through the tears
m*vin :
i'm starving
m.o.b :
money over b***hes
m2af :
message to all friends
m2c :
more to come
madtown :
Madison, Wisconsin
maf :
maii :
mayp :
meet at your place
mbab :
my balls are big
mbah :
My bollocks are hurting
mbate :
mbb :
Mom behind back
mcr :
my chemical romance
mdiemso :
my dog is eating my socks off
mdih :
my d**k is huge
mdihrn :
My d**k is Hard Right Now
mdirbhmskiez :
my dad is right behind me so keep it easy
meelymouth :
mef :
must eat food
mfeo :
made for each other
mffip :
my favorite food is pizza
mfmtod :
monkey f**king meat testicle of death
mfpos :
mother f**king pile of s**t
mfscs :
mother f**kin s**ty c**k sucker
mgfibttf :
my girlfriend is back time to f**k
mi :
miaol :
mabey in an other life
miffed :
mify :
may i f**k you
mihf :
mom i have f**ked
miiww :
my internet isn't working well
mil :
mj :
michael jackson
ml :
much love
mlf :
mother I'd like to f**k
mls :
My Life Sucks
mm&irgsw :
me, myself and i are going somewhere
mmfwcl :
Much Mother f**king Wicked Clown Love
mmoyt :
meet me on you tube
mmrs :
mn :
Me neither
mni :
my name is
mnp :
money and power
mns :
makes no sence
moar :
moff :
i am off
mowl :
shut up
mpiw :
my p***y is wet
mpos :
munchausen parent over shoulder
mpreg :
male pregnancy
mrls :
mobile rocket launcher system
ms :
mt :
mte :
my thoughts exactly
mtfbwya :
May The Force Be With You Always
mudaf8er :
mother f**ker
muthfuh :
mother f**ker
mykal :
pm :
Private message