What are the most popular text slang terms?
Below are the most popular text and internet slang terms based on NoSlang.com page view data. The Trending slang terms are reset every night at midnight and only show the terms for that specific day.
Most Popular Text Slang Terms:
- jizz - semen
- 80085 - Boobs
- gyaitmfhrnbibya - get your ass in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass
- 2k24 - 2024
- yws - you want sex
- stw - share the wealth
- ryt - right
- bj - blowjob
- babi - baby
- faafo - f**k around and find out
- 2k23 - 2023
- anw - anyways
- pmg - oh my God
- bbn - be back never
- milf - Mom i'd like to f**k
- fmltwia - f**k me like the w***e I am
- m - am
- ite - alright
- mhh - my head hurts
- 2k25 - 2025
- ih - it happens
- wlc - welcome
- lik - like
- tuh - to
- wy - Why?
- ikm - I know man
Text Slang Trending Today:
- jizz - semen
- idkwurta - I don't know what you are talking about.
- gyaitmfhrnbibya - get your ass in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass
- milf - Mom i'd like to f**k
- idkt - I don't know that
- pvp - player versus player
- smho - Screaming My Head Off
- boi - boy
- pyt - pretty young thing
- shure - sure
- 80085 - Boobs
- ura - you are a
- rwb - Rich White b***h
- ite - alright
- mmatc - meet me around the corner
- m - am
- ino - I know
- fmltwia - f**k me like the w***e I am
- fyl - For your Love
- bmvp - be my valentine please
- nc - not cool
- ifykyk - if you know you know
- ffs - for f**k's sake
- byoh - bring your own high
- 2k25 - 2025
- tfu - that's f**ked up