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The Following Results Are Similiar:
a - LSD

a-bomb - Marijuana cigarette with heroin or opium

a-boot - Under the influence of drugs

abandominiums - Abandoned row houses where drugs are used

abe - $5 worth of drugs

abe's cabe - $5 bill

abolic - Veterinary steroids

ac/dc - Codeine cough syrup

acapulco gold - Marijuana from S.W. Mexico

acapulco red - Marijuana

ace - Marijuana cigarette

acid - LSD

acid cube - Sugar cube containing LSD

acid freak - Heavy user of LSD

acid head - User of LSD

acido - Hallucinogens; LSD

ad - drug addict

adam - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)

aeon flux - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

afgani indica - Marijuana

african - Marijuana

african black - Marijuana

african bush - Marijuana

african woodbine - Marijuana cigarette

agonies - Withdrawal symptoms

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